robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Tomb of Doom

I've often compared fantasy toys to Halloween decorations, have you ever looked at Skeletor? Often these lines are filled with all sorts of creeps from the local haunted house ran by the heavy metal guys from the high school (I heard the sacrifice kids in the woods). Scary snake people, bat armor, full satanic panic. Super Naturals saw that and told Hordak to hold their beer. Using holograms as a means to display the warriors transformations into powerful magical forms and the bad guys from ... corpses to demons...

The Tomb of Doomb.. doom... play set is a freaking crypt so your ghost monsters can hang out and be scary when they're not driving their spike covered 50's hot rods around. It features such amenities as ledges for the figures to stand on and a wall of lost souls. Of course the weapons glow in the dark, so it's a ten.

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