
Monday, June 17, 2024

Weekly Update- 6/17/24

Looks like it's another Monday and the beginning of a new week here on Planet Zone! I had a pretty great weekend and hope you did too! The Mrs and the cats got me some Yolopark Transformers AMK models for Fathers Day and the Mrs made taco nachos for dinner! I do love tacos. Code Orange is in full effect as early Halloween stuff is filling stores. My local places haven't started stocking yet, but they've told me they'll start stocking this week! It's just a month and a half until Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem! 

Aside from that I spent all weekend playing Star Wars Hunters and watching Halloween cartoons. It was a great time. I didn't buy much else as my local stores are a little barren at the moment. I do have an Evercade cartridge coming soon for my Super Pocket though. That'll be fun. Speaking of fun, I've got some cool posts coming your way this week. I hope you all enjoy them. Thanks everyone for reading, please don't forget to share the site with your friends.

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