
Thursday, July 18, 2024

BIOS- Roadgrabber

"Destruction has a beauty all its own."
Function: Gunner

A road-ripping demon of destruction. The cruelest of the cruel. Able to hide undetected inside his bullet-proof protective shell and use its front-mounted claws to crush his enemies. Transforms from robot Mode to fast attack hover jet with vectored thrusters for lightning-fast maneuverability. Built-in, turbo-powered boosters enable him to reach speeds over 3000 mph. Also equipped with subspace capabilities. Armed with dual pom-pom action freeze lasers that convert to flamethrower cannons.

Strength:7 Intelligence:7 Speed:7 Endurance:8
Rank:6 Courage:8 Firepower:7 Skill:8

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