
Monday, August 5, 2024

Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem 2024!

It's the first week of August and you know what that means... IT'S HALLOWEEN TIME ON PLANET ZONE! That's right, 3 whole months of Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem from now until Halloween! For readers that are new to the site, Halloween is my favorite time of the year and I love it so. To celebrate, between every regular post is a Halloween post. Sometimes it's nostalgic, maybe weird, or downright obscure. This year, we're stepping it up a notch and even the regular posts are a little spooky for the season!

The Halloween Playlist is back again as well! Bigger and better than ever for 2024 with more than 10 hours worth of scary tunes. It's a Spotify playlist, so if you're listening on random, it's practically a new experience every time! Thank you so much for coming to the annual Zone Base Halloween party and celebrating the best time of the year with me. Put on a costume and crack open a glow stick, it's time to go trick or treating for the next 3 months!

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