In addition to the Energon Cubes, Bombshell has his Twin Ion Impulse Blaster. I think it's a pretty trademark rifle for him, but when it comes to Bombshell, everyone focuses on that beetle horn. It's been famously used for launching his signature Cerebro-Shells into the heads of enemies and making them his slaves. It's not just a cool special ability, but also looks neat. A bit of nice ornamentation on a somewhat creepy looking toy. Bombshell has some pretty decent articulation for a toy of his era. Arms move at the shoulders and legs at the hips. Thanks to his transformation, his hip can swivel and there's some movement at the knees... though you can mostly make him kick forward comically. Sure, he doesn't have anything on today's super articulated wonders, but it's a pretty good amount for the toys of that time. Transformation to beetle mode is easy and looks just as great as ever. My love for insect robots definitely flavors my opinion here. I can't help it, those designs are full of charm. There's little wheels on the insect legs to roll it around on and I just love that. Despite the older engineering, this is really a nice little toy. The cartoon accurate colors really pop and breathe new life into a 40+ year old design. The older I get, the more my appreciation for the original toys grows. The die cast is just so satisfying as is the overall product. So, so very good.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Bombshell [Transformers Retro/Bomshell and Ramhorn 2-Pack]
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Ramhorn [Transformers Retro/Bomshell and Ramhorn 2-Pack]
Prior to this, only the Decepticons had cassettes. So it was a pretty cool moment. For me, I got my original Ramhorn at a K-Mart one rainy weekend. The cassettes would come in 2-packs and he came with Eject. I still remember being enamored with his gold chrome weapons. Needless to say, the two had many adventures in my bedroom and still reside among my various Transformers toys from the past 40 years.
Ramhorn is pretty much a straight reissue. He's largely the same as that one I've owned forever. There is some updated Copyright stamps on his body, so I assume the molds have had some maintenance done recently. There's something so great about these original toys updated in their show accurate colors. The brown used is a softer color and combined with the dark grey used for accenting colors and in place of the originals chromed legs... it just looks great. The red Autobot symbol almost glows against his colorization. I really like the contrast it creates.
The missile pods are not chromed like the originals, but colored in a metallic gold that looks really good. Ramhorn is a simple but pleasant figure. Transformation to tape mode is easy. Fold the legs up into his body and the head and tail fold backwards. The cassette can fit in any G1 Blaster toy... and maybe a Soundwave if you're feeling rebellious. I've never found fault in the original Ramhorn and just don't now either. In these cartoon accurate colors, he feels like a much more premium figure. The combination of him and Bombshell is fun and we'll be looking at his pack mate later this week.
Monday, January 13, 2025
My New Week
Another week has begun and it's only natural to spend it with robots, monsters, and misadventure! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was pretty cold as we were snowed in since Friday morning! Nothing like a winter storm to bring in a suprise 3 day weekend. We did get out for a little bit Saturday afternoon and hold the press, Walmart FINALLY HAD BLOKEES! I grabbed the 4 left on the display happily. They were 2 Ironhides and 2 Optimus Primes from wave 1. I didn't only get doubles, but technically triples since getting those same ones in an earlier order. No problem, that's the game you play with blind boxes... and these bots are designed in a way that makes customs easy. So maybe they'll get turned into someone else soon. I also played a surprising amount of The Adventures of Lolo for the NES this weekend. It's a great classic game, I just didn't anticipate playing it that much. Well, the snow is melting and the work week has begun again. Time to get some site pictures taken and the day started. Thank you all for reading Zone Base. I've got a fun week planned, please remember to share with your friends!
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Squeezeplay with Lokos and Browning [Legacy United 4-Pack/Deluxe Class]
His Japanese incarnation, Cancer (like the crab, I didn't name it), was heavily featured in Masterforce. A specific series I really like. Adding to that, this update is a reworked Titans Return mold, which is going down as one of my favorite Transformers series. Let's add one more specifically 'me' thing, he comes with a tiny gun mode Browning as a weapon... things like that are super awesome for me. This toy is like a bunch of beloved songs from my favorite band.
Squeezeplay uses Titans Return Mindwipe as a base mold. I most recently talked about this mold in it's use as Draculus, which was another clever use of it. Squeezeplay is pretty ingenious as they took a bat alt mode and turned it into a pretty convincing recreation of his reptile/crustation themed monster form. The entire toy is a pretty remarkable update of the original all things considered. I should probably talk about the actual toy more than just go on and on about how cool he is.In robot mode Squeezeplay looks an awful lot like his original toy with Lokos transforming into his head. There's a little tail piece from alt mode that can be a shield or weapon and cleverly playing into the similarity of his original gun accessory is a gun mode Browning. Browning is another original series Transformer made from a Microman toy. Browning was also in Masterforce and tended to partner up with Cancer. Just so we're clear, there a character in Masterforce named Cancer whom was a child that worked with the Decepticons and was carrying around a gun that he was friends with.
Browning doesn't transform, but is a cool little extra. Robot mode is decently articulated and looks pretty good for a mold from 2016 compared to the other more recent molds in the 4-Pack. Transformation isn't difficult, but just involved enough that you need to pay attention. Lokos feels like a softer plastic, I popped his legs off accidentally bending his knees to sit him in the cockpit. I'm really impressed that his transforms mostly the same way as Mindwipe did, but now instead of wings there's arms. Alt mode looks pretty on par as an update to the original. I'm very surprised just how good this came off as, once again, the source mold turned into a bat. I think the only new parts here are the head and arms too. I'm always fascinated by design stuff like this. Ingenuity is really neat, you know? The monsters chest compartment opens up to become a cockpit for Lokos as I mentioned above and Browning can be stored on the tail... or just held. Man, imagine a monster packing heat. The really did an amazing job with Squeezeplay. The 4-Pack is a good set all around, but Squeezeplay is definitely the stand out toy of the set. So, so very good.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Mechagodzilla 1974 [Godzilla Monster Series 5"]
This works out ok for the Showa Mechagodzilla as thanks to his design... he doesn't need a lot of colors to be accurate. Articulation is pretty limited on this one compared to a regular Godzilla. Arms move at the shoulders, and swivel at the waist. I have other sofubi with this amount of movement so it's not a negative for me. I can see others taking issue however. His sculpt is really great and pretty screen accurate. I've always liked Mechagodzilla quite a bit and the original incarnation is a ton of fun. He's from that same era that gave us Henshin Cyborg and Microman so there's a similar aesthetic. For the low cost ($10 at Target) this is a solid figure and man I just love anything Bandai makes. The smaller size is welcome as it can be stored easy or have plenty of room on a busy kaiju toy shelf. Just great all the way around.