Monday has somehow returned. But fear not Zone Base readers, this isn't just any ordinary week, it's Toylanta Week! I'm gearing up for the great toy show and looking forward to having a great time! This weekend isn't just Toylanta, but my birthday as well! I'm looking forward to having some fun and celebrating getting older! This past weekend was pretty good, though I admittedly didn't feel very well. The Mrs and I did a little weakly shopping, but for the most part I kinda just rested. The extra business of the past few weeks cumulated in my crashing out Saturday. I was pretty tired and had all around body aches. So some much needed R&R took place. I intended to organize some toys... but got plenty of rest instead.
As in the past few weeks, I didn't buy myself anything toy related, but did finally find something new. Walmart had Swapticons! These are a new lower priced Transformers series consisting of smaller robots that combine with a partner to form an alt mode. They're fairly silly and feel like a spiritual successor to Botbots. Of course I love them and I think the birthday fairy took notice. If this were a Facebook post, that would have been followed up with a winking emoji. I intended to play some Double Dragon this weekend, but was literally feeling too poopy for my beloved Switch. The Mrs and I took in a lot of Halloween cartoons and Mom came over for a very filling Sunday Olive Garden dinner. They deliver now, so I forsee lots of marinara flavored foods in my future. There's also a recently opened Fazoli's near, so clearly Italian food is on my menu.
I've got a fun week in store for you all. This week is a con week and the first special event on the site of the year. The regular posting schedule will be off, but it's going to be pretty busy over the weekend. Please check back daily during the weekend for daily updates. Thank you all for reading. Please share the site with your friends and Mutual High Fives everyone!