robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Saturday, July 29, 2017

So, about that Walgreen's Clones 2 pack.

Since we're on a roll on Walgreen's toy stuff, my main man at Walgreen's came through again. Thanks to my friend Melvar who bought a Clone set from Toy Dojo, we got a UPC code to use in the system and...

Credit: Homeslice from Walgreen's

Looks like the set is coming up as a deluxe and should start arriving early in August! So assuming there's no hiccups or changes and giving time for distribution (it's a generic deluxe case shipping, your stores may vary), we should be having those Clones very soon!

My Walgreen's stores are always just a step behind others, so I'm looking forward to getting these and some early Halloween candy. Those mallow pumpkins yo.

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