robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Rebirth took me a minute

So, around 2001 there was a DVD release of The Ultimate Doom. It was a multi part episode from season one of the classic TF cartoon. I was given it as well as a DVD of the 1986 Transformers movie and a DVD player that Christmas. It was my first DVD player and I was very excited to finally make the move into all the cool stuff that came with DVD's. I had several Transformers VHS tapes, some extremely well worn to the point of almost breakage and it was nice to have much higher quality copies of my cartoons. I was eagerly anticipating the upcoming Transformers box sets and man, it was a good time for TF on home video.

Around spring 2002 (I think) Rhino put out The Rebirth on a DVD and I was really looking forward to getting it. On it's release I headed directly to my local Media Play (remember those) to grab a copy (man, I miss Media Play). There they were, about four copies. I grabbed one and checked out before heading back home. I pretty much had to get dressed and go straight to work, so upon getting back home that evening I stopped and grabbed some pizza and was ready to bask in the glory that was The Rebirth. Turn on player, push play...

The Ultimate Doom?

Somehow I got a screwed up copy of my video. Well crap. So the next morning, I went and exchanged it. Same story, went to work, came home, popped in DVD...

The Ultimate Doom...

Getting a little peeved, I went back to Media Play the next morning, same cashier and exchanged it again. The cashier thought it was weird, but believed me as it has The Rebirth label even on the DVD and what did I have to gain by exchanging it for the same movie? Went home, didn't have to work, put the DVD straight into the player...


Went directly back to the store, this time a manage helped me as this was the last copy. The manager didn't believe me, and kept questioning me. I told him, to pop the DVD in the TV they had at the register and got an apology. Before I left we put the last copy in the same player and...




So, the manager ordered me a new copy, had me help write up the problem for some report and I had to wait a few days. I had got home and decided to sit on my porch to calm down a bit. I wasn't super angry, but I was annoyed. I remember my roommate showing concern and then laughing at me when I told him about the whole thing. Within a few days, the new shipment of The Rebirth got to the store and the manager personally called me to let me know. I went to the store, we opened a copy and...

Oh hey, the movie I tried to buy 4 times now came on. Cool. So I went home with a new and fifth attempt to buy The Rebirth. Of course I had to work and watch it later that evening. With a new pizza, I had ate the one I bought earlier.

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