robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanksgiving weekend status update

I'm currently enjoying a really relaxing Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I promise regular updates will resume soon, I just needed a little down time.

In other news, the wife and I decided to do a trip to Universal Studios Orlando for Christmas next year! As long as nothing effects those plans, man, it's going to be a long year! It's hard enough not being in that wonderful place every waking minute, let alone patiently waiting a year for my next trip.

I'm currently on a pre Christmas restriction from buying any toy for myself as the wife is buying me presents. Though I am allowed to buy my beloved crazy bootlegs and random Legions. So, time to get some more K.O Brave toys from Tuesday Morning!

So far I've spent this break watching movies and holiday shopping. It's been relaxing and I have a few days left. Man, I've really needed this. Thanksgiving is a time for being thankful for what you have. I'm certainly thankful for the folks who read Zone Base. I promise regular updates will resume soon!

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