robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

I think that was amazing

Somewhere in time this commercial for (a Chinese retail juggernaut) happened and boy did it happen. Basically, Bumblebee is getting his honeycomb kicked by a generic Decepticon and oh man he's down for the count. Fortunately, somebody ordered what appears to be the Marvel G2 version of the Matrix from (the shipment apparently comes from the same factory that makes Robots In Disguise toys) and Optimus helps the delivery. In the meantime the delivery truck is also a Transformer and the mascot shows up to help bring Bumblebee the magic of the apparent matrix and he's got his second wind.

It's a really neat commercial and decently animated with what's obviously not the movie CGI models, but clearly based on them. Perhaps a lower res version that's cheaper to animate for things like this. It gets props for using the AOE Bumblebee look, which I've always really like. Though, I'm not sure of the age, so it could have been from AOE marketing.

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