robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ice Zone

I'm currently snowed in. Good thing the new Godzilla is on Netflix today, so I can watch that later. I never know how to handle these days. I live in the American South, which means we don't really know how to deal with show and ice. When we have a storm, basically everything is covered under inches of ice and it's random if the city salts the roads. So, I promise to get back to regular posting soon, just today I'm literally a fish out of water. The wife and I just ventured to our local Circle K and we feel like we just went on a epic adventure. To be fair, there was a lot of cars ran off the road.

Zone Base fun will continue soon, pinky swear. Probably tommorow, just today's weird for me. I feel like I should apologize. I'm sorry, I promise to get back to regular posting tommorow.

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