robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, July 23, 2018

Cyberverse this fall on Cartoon Network

News of Cyberverse's channel and release time frame just seeped out and I'm pleased. This Fall on Cartoon Network. I was kinda hoping for Nickelodeon, but Cartoon Network is fine. I already hear the cries of a bad time slot, but I'm going to DVR it anyway, so *shrug*.  Either way, it's great news for me as I really am looking forward to this show. Admittedly because I do something something Transformers and cartoons, but after the clips shown at SDCC this past weekend, I think the show looks great.


  1. It does look great, I gave up on rid 2.0 after season 2 just because it wasn't that interesting to me. Characters were ok but meh.

  2. I quite enjoyed RID 2.0, but it ran it's course and this looks like a good time.


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