robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Showtime Halloween Make Up commercial (1988)

I've made my fondness for Halloween make up kits known pretty often, so obviously it's something I have something to say about. My local stores have been slowly putting out the seasonal stuff, finally telling all the back to school section to beat it. I guess it takes so long because the first month of school is always the non stop battle of teachers not approving of any of the supplies you got, despite the list of supplies the school gave your parents. But the first things on shelves are candy with a smattering of decorations and costumes before the stock starts going out in full force. The make up kits are usually in that initial batch of first out. Just the simple stuff first. Budget kits, a few tubes of various colors, and then wham the more deluxe kits.

Last week I was enjoying looking at the kits that were already on shelves and man, no matter how many times I get disappointed by that tube of glow in the dark make up (Why does it only seem to glow when it's in the tube?), there I am... in awe. This commercial for Showtime make up (a more prominent brand at the time) is intended for adult costuming. Which brings something to mind that I've always noticed. When I was a kid in the 80's and into the 90's these adult kits always seemed to market those metallic face designs. I don't think I've ever actually seen it in real life outside of commercials and packaging. Did anybody actually do that?

Vampire/Witch/Devil, sure. Animal face, yeah there's always those. Skull or ghosty face pretty often, with occasional variations on face paint color. Metallic faced person? Nope.

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