robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Friday, October 19, 2018

BotBots, what what

So actual information about Botbots came forth today and it's a little out of left field. In case the cute name wasn't a clue, Botbots are obviously intended for children (man... why they keep making toys for kids?) and are seemingly a stab at the Shopkins crowd which if you look at that area in your local stores is obviously a booming segment (man... why does these companies keep trying to make money?). This picture is all we're given to imagine the line and it's clear that we have a line of food Transformers. I'm sure readers know this is something I'd like (man... why does he keep buying things he likes?).

I love blind bags, this is known. I don't know if these transform like Tiny Turbo Changers and I'd be completely ok if the didn't. I like pvc figurines a lot as is and these would be pretty charming in a pvc figurine. My wife likes Shopkins and buys them often. If they come like those, this will be fun. Usually Shopkins have a few toys in a blind pack, or in the case of the Shopkins Happy Places-a matching theme for the included blind toys. For a few dollars a couple of silly little Botbots are too weird to resist.
 I own a weird site about monsters and robots with a random old McDonald's commercials, did you think I'd hate them?

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