robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, December 3, 2018

Authentics Grimlock (small version)

I was fortunate to find the new Grimlock Authentics toy at my local Five Below. While I already have the larger version, a smaller $5 figure has been popping up recently. Like the larger figure, this is definitely the better of the Authentics toys. Better articulation, better sculpting, just a better toy. Thanks to his beast mode, the toy's transformation works out better for such a basic discount store figure. The hollowness in his limbs are just as present, though mostly noticeable in his lower legs from transformation. From the front you can't see it, but in the back it's unavoidable. This doesn't bother me that much as it's a discount store toy, but it might bother you. The only thing that bothers me is his T-Rex arms. They are molded into the body as opposed to separate parts. It's not that bad, but I can't look over it so easily. For the most part though it's a good little toy and certainly worth the $5 I spent.

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