robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Son of Frankenstein

Without a doubt, Son of Frankenstein is my favorite Frankenstein movie. I've always loved the plot and mood of the overall film. The monster is clearly a villain, shedding his sympathetic plight and working with the murderous Igor. As the movies title suggests, Dr. Frankenstein's son is the one causing all the havoc. Moving to his families castle with his wife and child, he soon discovers the monster and sets out to restore his fathers good name... and pretty much fails when a bunch of people die. The monster looks great here with his fur vest, making him look more barbaric than before. The presentation of the lab's ruins with the family mansion gives the movie a great haunted castle vibe. At any minute Igor is peeking through a window or hidden door causing all sorts of chaos. It's monster mayhem with a great story to boot.

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