robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Frankenstein is an alcoholic

When I was younger, my local mall had a restaurant called Frank 'n' Stein. Turns out it was a 'cleverly' named place that sold beer and hot dogs. Now, obviously with a name like that it should have at least a castle theme or maybe a Frankenstein monster somewhere right? You name the damn place Frank 'n' Stein and stick it in a mall food court some asshole kid is going to have expectations. House of lies.

Anyway, look this commercial for Heineken staring a Frankenstein monster who can only be brought to life via a pint of beer. Despite any connections one could make about a monster brought to life from drinking, let's just take a moment to observe the commercial. It's charming and maybe even cute. Fit for the Halloween season or anytime really. Though I think we all see that actor under the Frankenstein make up drinking that beer and all know it's the directors brother who spends too much time at the bowling alley after work.

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