robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Cyberverse season 2 Power of the Spark trailer

In Season 2 of Transformers Cyberverse the Autobots are closer than ever to finding the Allspark, but completing their quest will be tougher than they could have imagined. They'll face new enemies and be challenged by Earth's roughest terrain, and along the way they'll discover that, when near the Allspark, they are imbued with incredible new powers. 

I got the press email earlier this morning rather than yesterday like bigger sites. *shrug* I guess this is what I get for blocking spam bots on social media. All jokes aside the new season looks great. I think a few episodes are up in various places, but I'm trying to be patient and wait for the show to start on Cartoon Network so I can watch it off my DVR. As I've talked about here, I've really been enjoying Cyberverse (and not just when Hasbro's looking) and more episodes is a good thing.

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