robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Roboka Battle With Takara Bots!

This is the kind of thing I'd love to have available in my local area. The Roboka Battle Card Game is an arcade card battle game of the type that's pretty common in Japan. While I'm not sure how much I'd play the game (I like to mash buttons), I'd love the chance to buy the game cards and tie in toys. Who knows, maybe I'd like the game too.


The game features characters from Transformers Cyberverse, Shinkalion, and Earth Granner. Whenever companies do these types of crossovers I generally enjoy it. The fictional reasoning isn't always the best and often made even worse by fan resources, it can be pretty fun to pit characters who normally don't interact against one another.

The oddball cards are the kind of thing I'd love to find at older BotCons. It's definitely a plus seeing the Cyberverse characters in a video game, even if it's one I'll never likely play. I just caught up on my DVR recorded episodes of Cyberverse and man I hate that this is the last season. It's just a fun show. Though I'm going to do my best to enjoy it while it's around and things like this is great. I'd really like to experience Earth Granner a little more. It's pretty neat looking and seemingly a follow up to Drive Head. Takara just does things I like, know what I mean?

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