robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Maybe They Didn't See Us

Garfield's Halloween Adventure is a spooky season institution. It's one of the best specials of the holiday that's unfortunately been swept under the rug by time. Because time is an asshole. We get to see Garfield and Odie go trick or treating which leads to a scary run in with some pirate ghosts. All the ingredients for a perfect Halloween cartoon!

I don't know about you, but I remember always being slightly worried that we'd run across some actual ghosts while out on Halloween night back then. With all the spooky shit going on and being the hey day of Satanic Panic, there was the real possibility of running into a real monster. Like a real monster, not that old guy who won't take off his wolfman mask. Jerk.

I think that's one of the things that makes this special so... special. I didn't want to be that corny, but there's not any other words for what I was trying to say. It combines everything about Halloween night into a 22 minute cartoon. There's not a lot of Halloween specials that manage to do that and let's face it, I'll post those that do here. Either during the season or in January.

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