robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Nevermind The Ghost, What House Did He Go To?

I haven't been having a great day. Which means a Halloween post in March. MARCHOWEEN! I know I post Halloween stuff randomly as is, but to be honest... I'm just coming up with some introductory text. Somehow this cowboy lost all of his Halloween candy. Fortunately when he decided to take a break at the obviously haunted house, another friendly kid offers to share his. Whatever house he hit had full sized bars, but plot twist, the other kid is a ghost. I'm guessing the cowboy didn't notice it was a haunted house, or maybe the candy was poisoned and the ghost kid died a little earlier. If that's the case, our little cowpoke is doomed. 

At least it wasn't a peanut butter chew.

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