robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ultra Gear

I'm pretty partial to Cheetor. He's one of my favorites in the world of Transformers. So it's probably to no surprise that when the images of the new Cyberverse Deluxe toy of him popped this past weekend, I was pretty ecstatic. With Cyberverse toys I'm content with all the other toy offerings and hardly mess with the nicer deluxe figures. I have a few, but it's the weird way I enjoy Cyberverse in particular. 

There's no shortage of Cheetor toys lately, there's plenty. However, this one in particular really talks to me. Maybe because, like the prior Cyberverse Cheetor toy, it's something new. Sure it still looks like Cheetor, but the more angular nature of the design really works for me. He's more mechanical, fitting in with G1 style animals and I've always liked that blocky look on animal bots. 

Not that I mind the more organic look of Beast Wars, I've always liked it in fact. Just this particular Cheetor, man, he does it for me. If it were the older days of the fandom, I could and would expect multiple repaints of him. Though for no particular reason that I can think of right now, the toy I want made from this most is Jaguar from the McDonald's toys. I can just see that every time I look at these pics. It's just an insane siren song that these JPEGs have been singing. He's wonderful

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