robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, September 13, 2021

GeGeGe New Week

It's a brand new week here on Planet Zone and I've got a bunch of fun planned for the week. I didn't do a whole bunch this past weekend, just a trip to Walmart and Target on top of doing stuff around the house. Actually ended up at two Walmarts as my grocery pickup was Sunday at a different store. We also stopped by the Dollar Tree which should be getting new Final Faction figures soon. Looking forward to that. Just hope I can find the Master of the Universe mini figures there. It feels like I've been looking forever.

Speaking of dollar stores, there's been sightings of a NEW Halloween army set at Dollar General. There hasn't been a new set since 2018 and I've been really hoping it'd be a more regularly updated thing. I can't wait until my local stores start their spooky stocking. I grabbed a bunch of fun Halloween stuff at Target's dollar spot. They have these great build kits with colored skeletons. Super neat.

Walmart has these cool skeleton action figures in their seasonal area. Turns out they're bootlegs of a much more expensive figure. That's going to be a post soon. I was hoping to find this triceratops skeleton sold with the usual animal skeletons decorations. They're still stocking the section, so I'll just keep waiting for that one. I love these things, perfect He-Man/Battle Tribes monsters.

Speaking of Target, I usually get something Starbucks when I go. Word to the wise, vanilla bean frappuccino with about 3 pumps of strawberry puree. Amazingly good, tastes like a milkshake. I got a new hoodie while out. When you wear as many as I do it's a big production getting a new one. Usually involves donating older ones to the Goodwill. My new ones looks like a solid new addition to my arsenal and the ones departing are appreciated for their service. 

I still haven't found that Stratos Eternia Mini, and Fright Features are still impossible to find locally. It's pretty frustrating after waiting so long for them, but I'm glad to see them selling well. Eat it naysayers. Ghostbusters rule. I picked up Cyberverse Cheetor, the new deluxe version. I'm glad the line is sticking around, I love it. Hopefully I can grab some of the new Dinobots. They look amazing.

It's that time of year where I have to make a list to help out the wife and relatives for Christmas presents. There's a great new yokai story book I'm putting on that sumbitch. The upcoming Kitaro haunted house at Universal Studios Japan makes me wish collections of his manga were easier to come by. Love that guy. We decided to cancel our trip to the Florida park this year before I had my health problems. It was a hard decision, but at the time we thought it would be a good idea since covid keeps going up and down. We just thought it'd be a good idea, with delta and my recovery, it turned out to be. Well, time to run some errands. Thanks for reading Zone Base and thanks for your continued support. I really appreciate it and please share with your friends!

Also, would you all watch a TikTok made by me? I like making short videos on occasion and it's obviously the best place for them. Kinda debating it.

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