robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Happy Motoring. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!

While stopping by Target Sunday, I swung into the toys and lucked up on the new Studio Series 86 Wreck-Gar. I was pretty surprised as I'd just been there Saturday. I wasn't complaining though and gladly grabbed him. I've always really liked Wreck-Gar and even though he's gotten his share of toys, they never quite recreate the original far out design fully. Thankfully the entire purpose of the Studio Series toys is to be faithful versions of the onscreen characters and the king of junk looks right out of the 1986 movie and following seasons. 

Wreck-Gar is a pretty impressive toy and honestly feels like a far more premium figure than I'd expect for a Voyager Class toy at standard retail. The designers really nailed this one, which has been my overall sentiment with the Studio Series 86 toys. There's plenty of articulation, even where I wouldn't have considered it. Like his chest lasers (don't be weird), they're on little ball joints that allow them to be aimed. I've really been impressed with his spikes. Instead of the soft rubbery material you'd expect, they're a hard plastic instead. Safety be damned, you can put an eye out with those things! They're not just for show either, that's how the wheels/shield is mounted! Neat!

Transformation isn't complex. Another Transformer can ride the motorcycle (size permitting) making me wonder if a generic Junkion will be released and I hope so. Just hopefully it's a bit more distinct than the Studio Series generic Sweep. I cannot find a single negative thing to say about this toy and I'm not going to apologize for gushing either. I'm really happy with this toy. There's probably some complaints out there from some folks, but frankly I don't care. I'm so damn happy with Wreck-Gar that I'll happily wallow in my own ignorance about it. Your mileage may vary, of course, but mine is spectacular. I get spectacular mileage!

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