robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Woolworth's Has Pass Kits For $3.97

I never seem to shut up about Paas Halloween make-up kits. I love them so... I've said as much before, I know. This old Woolworth's commercial really hits home for me, just seeing all those kit's lined up with the Halloween Hair Spray Color cans, sure to complete the look. I don't know why I love this stupid holiday as much as I do. I don't care, ignorance is bliss and I'm fucking happy. Speaking from my own experience (because it's the only one I can), these old commercials really hit home for me.

It's not just a nostalgia thing, but a look back at a bygone era that I wasn't ready to be over yet. It's part of the reason I like the town I live in. There's a good 50% seemingly stuck in the 80's while the rest of the town lives in the now. It makes holidays like Halloween that I firmly keep one foot in the past during just a little more fun. Normally I make some bad joke about the video I post but, well, maybe I'm just wallowing in my own joy for the moment. Well, ok, did you see the adult costumes? Holy shit, what a nightmare.

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