robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

That morning, I looked like any other boy...

Did you really think we'd get through another Halloween season without my raving about PAAS Halloween Make-Up Kits? Admittedly I post this thing a billion times throughout the year regardless of the season. That's because I love them. It may not look like much to some of you now, but at the time they were amazing! There was just something about that cardboard standee at the grocery store holding all the different kits that just beamed "FUCKING AWESOME". I love looking at the make-up kits throughout the spooky season. The packaging, cheesy pics that you'll never quite replicate. All the broken open ones spilled on the shelf, all the unsold ones showing up at the local liquidation stores long expired and usable the following year. Just the visage of them is pure Halloween to me. PAAS wasn't my first make-up kit, or even my last. That PAAS Werewolf kit though, was the best.

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