robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, November 1, 2021

Return of the New Week

It's a new week and another Halloween season has passed. Time to adjust back to non-spooky season life and prepare for the Christmas season. Which according to the Mrs starts now. We had a fun Halloween Weekend including a Saturday night drive looking at lights. Sunday, the big day, was spent setting up for trick or treaters and watching Halloween specials. Then trick or treating and watching Halloween specials. Well, sad as I am to see it end, it's the nature of things. Fortunately I like Christmas too.

Friday the Mrs picked up Kingdom Shadow Panther, Waspinator, and Tracks for me. Not sure when I'll get to covering them. I've got a busy few days coming up but there's a very big backlog of toys of content to get to. That and the 'whatever I think of' nature of things here. No rhythm or reason, Zone Base is a place of personal insanity. Speaking of, thanks everyone for continuing to support the site. It means so much to me. Don't forget to share with your friends!

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