robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, January 24, 2022

Have a Magic New Week


It's Monday and you know what that means! It's a new week here on Planet Zone! This past weekend was pretty good. It was the Mrs's birthday and I took her out shopping to celebrate it. While out I picked up a Pop Warduke I'd been hoping to find. We also stopped by Rocket Fizz, a candy store, and while there I grabbed a giant bag of Pez. All unwrapped, all too perfect. Not to mention some other wonderful candy was bought.

I also grabbed the new Battle Cat from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe as well as the Core Class Snake Eyes. Still no luck on Studio Series Soundwave which might just be my white whale. I also got a pack of pens for work, I know you're excited about that. In the upcoming weeks my department at work will be moving into a new office space and I'm excited. Brand new cubicle!

I've got a fun week in mind. I know Zone Base isn't some big site, but the fact that you all continue to support it is really flattering. Thank you so much for reading my nonsense! Please don't forget to share with your friends! Y'all sure it's not Halloween yet? No... well... 

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