robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, April 25, 2022

Weekly Update 4/25/22 Walpurgis Week


It's Monday and the start of a special spooky week here on Zone Base! In observance of Walpurgis Night this weekend, every post this week will be spooky flavored! Consider it an early taste of Spooky Summer as we anticipate the big Halloween party later this year!

This weekend was a busy one. Well, Sunday was. The Mrs and I spent Sunday at the zoo. It was a fun day, but now I'm exhausted. A trip to Target Friday morning resulted in some new Bakugan and finally getting the Turbo Changers Shockwave from Cyberverse. It's the Buzzworthy Bumblebee version for what counts. We watched The Batman Saturday night. I really liked it, even though it was way too long. Really good movie and I must get a Riddler figure now. Maybe a Batmobile.

I made a quick trip to Walmart Saturday that resulted in a Legacy Kick-Back and Mech Strike Monster Hunters Black Panther and Dr. Doom! I'm certain at this point that Studio Series Soundwave actually doesn't exist. At the zoo gift shop they had an odd series of transforming animal robots. There was lion, leopard, and a tiger. I got the leopard one. We plan to do another zoo trip in the fall, I'll probably get the others then. Kinda just wanted one this time. 

Hope you all enjoy Walpurgis Week here on Zone Base. Spooky Summer is right around the corner and this week is more what I have in mind to make summer a little scarier before the pumpkin spice mayhem commences. Thanks to each and every one of you for continuing to support Zone Base. There's a ton of bigger and better sites out there. Taking the time to read mine means the world to me. Please don't forget to share with your friends!

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