robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, May 2, 2022

Weekly Update 5/2/22


It's the start of a brand new week here on Zone Base! This weekend was a fun one, even though things didn't go according to plan. Initially I had wanted to stay home all weekend aside from a trip to Walmart for a few things. Well, our grocery order had an issue, leading us to cancel and have to do in person. The trip to Walmart was decided to visit a slightly out of town Walmart and there was a surprise Squishmallow event Sunday. So, we ended up not spending as much time at home as I'd liked. 

The Walmart I mentioned had quite a bit of Transformers I've been looking for, so I bought a lot. I try to keep my toy purchases around a certain amount each weekend, so I didn't get everything. I'll be going back next weekend for more. They had more Marvel Mech Strike Monster Hunters, but since it was all wave 1 (which will be in abundance) I held off. 

I picked up Legacy core class Skywarp (still no Hot Rod), Beast Wars Cybershark, that cool new Nano Metalfig TRANSFORMERS set, and stand back faithful readers...


The quest is over! It actually does exist! There was some Legacy figures still there that I'll be picking up soon as well as those Monster Hunters, Bakugan, and MOTU. With inflation driving everything on top of other financial responsibilities. I'm not dropping that much cash on toys in a weekend. I may be crazy, but not irresponsible. After heading back to my area, we ordered from Tokyo Steakhouse for dinner. The order took longer than scheduled resulting in a trip to Target while waiting. While there I picked up Studio Series Wheeljack. We got our food, I had a bunch of sushi, and Halloween specials was enjoyed before falling the crap asleep. 

Sunday morning was for picking up groceries (Avengers bananas!) before the Squishmallow event at Five Below. Ours gets a good crowd, but not like other stores where you have to line up hours before opening. The Mrs got the toys she was looking for (not including the ones from Saturday) happily. The rest of Sunday was spent playing Switch, watching spooky stuff (worked in The Conjuring between paranormal shows and Halloween cartoons), and odd chores. Odd chores outside led to a small war with insects. It's spring and the bees are out in force. Not to mention hornets and all sorts of nasty bastards. I got out my electric tennis racket and went to war! Before you ask, it's a real thing sold to kill bugs. It's exactly what it sounds like, a tennis racket that takes batteries with a metal net that basically zaps the bugs. There's a small graveyard of bug corpses in my driveway of the little jerks. Well, until birds look over our multiple feeders and eat the fresh cooked hornets.

I've got a fun week planned for you all. I hope you enjoyed the spooky flavored week we just had. Walpurgis Night is over and this year lots of companies really got behind it as Halfway to Halloween. There was lots of spooky content floating around and I'm glad to have done my part. Spooky Summer is right around the corner and with it code orange fun! Thank you for continuing to support Zone Base. We're entering the more exciting times of the year and it's super awesome of you to enjoy it with me here on the site. As always, all I ask is that you share with your friends!

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