robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Weekly Halloween: Code Orange Pre-Show


Summer is here and with it Halloween sneaking onto your store shelves. It's an exciting time. Me? I'm looking mostly forward to the coming days when At Home will start stocking the spooky stuff little by little. Some of you may have already hit up your local craft stores for material and other materials to make pumpkin spiced DIY. Either way, hit the alarm, it's Code Orange time!

If you're an Instagram user like me, then you've already started following the tags. Various combinations of Halloween, 2022, Code Orange, and whatever stores you plan on targeting in this exciting time are sure to soon bring news of creepy things creeping onto shelves. Make sure to look at plan-o-grams. The shelves won't be fully stocked at first. It's going to take a while, and during that while, they'll be those handy stocking plans taped to the shelves. It's good way to get a hint of what's coming.

I'm excited Zone Base readers. 

Are you?

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