robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Weekly Halloween: Volume 2


Summer is a Spooky Season.

And nothing is as perfect for a Spooky Summer as a new season of Stranger Things. This season so far has been a banger and with the second half of it coming out this weekend. Fans are on the edge of their seats waiting to see how it all comes down. There's plenty of theories on who will die and clearly Netflix is playing into that with the trailers. I've got my Stranger Things nuggets and Sour Patch Kids ready for binge watching it this holiday weekend. Can't find that dang pizza though. It's not fair that one has to wait years in between seasons, but when each one is progressively better you really can't complain. Season 3 still might be my favorite, but this extra long season 4 isn't holding back.

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