robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, June 20, 2022

Weekly Update 6/20/22

 It's Monday and the beginning of another new week here on Planet Zone! This weekend sure did go by pretty fast, but was pretty enjoyable. I went by Target to hopefully find the new Gundam Infinity figures to no avail. I did get, however, some Transformers Micro Machines and the larger Jada Optimus Prime. I've been really looking for these Micro Machines, so that was exciting. Just some regular stuff, not the blind packed city sets. It's still a start. I noticed the Bumblebee playset is also available as a non-Transformers branded red Camaro as well. Weird. Target had New Eternia Beastman, but I wasn't about to pay $30 for him. Waiting for a sale. Wish I could find new Eternia Skeletor and He-Man. Or some new Eternia Minis. 

We stopped by At Home to check on Halloween stocking. Nothing yet, though others have been reporting on theirs getting started. Ours has been starting more around late June/early July the past few years, but I'm too excited to be patient. Picked up the Upside Down glow in the dark Demogorgon and CGI Man-E-Faces at Walmart as well. The Mrs got me a pair of New Balance for cat dads day. Now I've got a sweet pair of vintage type sneaks for hoodie and jeans season. Which is quite a while away, but I'm not complaining. I also picked up a new Jurrasic World Kinder Suprise. The new ones aren't as great as the last set they did, but still pretty cool. 

I've got a fun week in store for you all. Spooky Summer is chugging along and I guess regular readers have noticed the focus on Sparking Transformers over the past few Fridays. Summer is a Spooky season, but also a festive time. Here in the States, there's a lot of fireworks shot from Memorial Day to Independence Day. June is a pretty good time to look at those pretty explosions that are really dangerous! Thank you for continuing to support Zone Base. Be careful while shooting those things and watch out for ghosts while sharing with your friends!

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