robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, October 24, 2022

Weekly Update 10/24/22

We're in the last stretch of the Halloween season Zone Base readers. I hope you're all in for the last of this years Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem. I wish it could go on all year, and in a way it does on Planet Zone! This weekend the Mrs and I exchanged Halloween gifts as we usually do the weekend before the big day. She got me a bag full of candy (Kinder Surprise Eggs included) and a set of Toony Terrors Halloween 3 kids! We also went out to look at Halloween lights and to get pumpkins! 

I managed to get the last of the McDonald's Pumpkin pails earlier today. Don't worry, I didn't eat 3 Happy Meals in one week, but I'll be sure to not eat anything bad for quite a while regardless. Outside of all that, I got the Transformers Jada Metalfigs series 2 set. It's the Walmart exclusive set with extra guys. Walmart had also stocked Bakugan, so I grabbed a Ghost Beast. There's plenty of spooky season appropriate toys in that little line. Well, I've got to go out and vote in the morning. I'm not a very political person, but I suppose it's my civic duty. Thank you for reading Zone Base. I really appreciate it and ask that you please share with your friends!

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