robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, December 5, 2022

Weekly Update- 12/5/22

It's Monday... ok, Mondays suck. But, also the start of a new week here on Planet Zone! I spent the weekend watching paranormal television and playing video games. Agood time was had playing The Goonies, The Punisher, and Mighty Final Fight. I also spent some time organizing Bakugan. Think I need a binder for the cards. 

It's Christmas time and I hope you all have been keeping up with my Guardians of the Galaxy advent calendar posting on social media. There's a handy link over on the side bar if you'd like to check it out. Speaking of Christmas, I don't buy myself stuff during the season, but totally splurged on Legacy Skullgrin this weekend. I get each of his figures, NO EXCUSES. 

I've got a fun week planned for you all. Thank you for reading Zone Base. There's a lot bigger and better sites out there (they'll even tell you), so it means alot that you take time out of your day to read me curse about Gobots. You can tell I'm not a bigger and better site because I never ask for money. However, if you like what I do, it'd mean a lot if you shared the site with your friends. 

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