robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, June 26, 2023

It's Monday, do a Barrel Roll

It's Monday gang, and that means a new week here on Planet Zone! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good. Did some shopping, watched some TV, played some video games. Good times. As far as new toys go, I didn't buy much. Found new Tacticons! Hashtag and Arcee! Target also had a bunch of Bumblebees, so I'm assuming he was their casemate. I really like these silly little bots, so I was happy with the find. I also finally picked up Warrior class Skywarp from Earthspark. She's been on the backburner since I've already got the mold a few times. Really like her colors though, so she was eventually getting purchased. I also picked up a book of older Japanese ghost stories and some cute monster book marks. Not to mention some great Star Wars back to school items. I may not be a student, but prefer cool stationary for my needs. I also bought a plush SEGA Genesis. They made it, and I own it.

We did some Code Orange work. Many places that usually start early haven't really gotten into grove yet in our area. That's to be expected. It's dependent on summer stuff selling out first and some places are faster than others. At Home did have some stuff. We got a skeleton door mat and an adorable spider. They haven't stocked skeletons yet and my tradition of buying a $1 plastic skeleton hasn't been fulfilled yet. This year they have colored ones. That's important. I also buy a few skeleton animals. From what I've seen, there's a raptor one that I'll definitely be getting. At Home also has some cute monster characters this year. There's a vampire with candy corn fangs and a witch riding a lollipop that I'll be getting when stocked. So far the more vintage Halloween decor of the past few years looks to have been replaced with a rustic style. Oh well, trends end and I liked the vintage stuff. The rustic style is very traditional and fitting, so I'm not complaining. 

Thanks to all of you for reading Zone Base. Clearly Beast Summer has been a success and it's due to all you awesome people. I plan to record a new episode of Transform Squadron today. Hopefully it will be out this week for your listening pleasure. Please, if you could, please share posts with your friends. We're a grass roots site here at Zone Base and I live enjoying my hobbies with others. Now let's get this new week started!

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