robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, October 30, 2023

Today's Special, tomorrow's Halloween!

Tomorrow may be the spookiest day of the year, but today is the most evil day of the week. Monday! I hope everyone had a fun Halloweekend, I sure did. We carved pumpkins, had spooky spaghetti, and watched creepy TV including the new Five Nights at Freddy's movie. It's hard to believe the spooky season is almost over, but let's end it with a bang! 

I found some fun stuff while doing our weekly shopping. I went to Ross hoping to luck up on some of the Transformers finds folks have been having. While no Generations were there I needed, there was some Autobots Unite packs! I'd hoped to find these and got Bumblebee, Megatron, and Battletrap. Hopefully I can find the rest. Long time readers know how much fun I had with the Energon Igniters toys from the Bumblebee movie and these are those same molds!

Not to be outdone by returning favorites is another bit of older Zone Base favorites! I got some Botbots! Clearly Ross had some fun in store for me! Hopefully future visits will provide more of that fun. Still no Troop Builder box set at Target, but I did find a One Step Flipchanger Twitch. Now the Flipchanger ranks are complete until a new wave is unleashed upon the world and my wallet. I also grabbed The Bandai Ultimate Legends HD Zenitsu figure. I needed him to complete my set of Demon Slayer figures from that line.

Did everyone enjoy the new episode of Transform Squadron? Monster Gobots seemed like a fun way to round out the spooky season! There's a little more Pumpkin Spiced Mayhem in store before it's all over. Thanks for coming back for another new week and be sure to share with your friends. There's plenty of Zone Base Halloween to go around!

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