robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bumblebee (EarthSpark/1-Step Flipchanger)

It's not secret around here that I'm a Bumblebee fan. So obviously I've got a high opinion on his 1-Step Flipchanger figure. Real Talk- If you don't like these, you're not going to like this. He's got the same amount of articulation (none), the same simple color palate, and the same gimmick as the others. I'm taking a look at these as a fun and simple way to look at EarthSpark characters and to give spotlight to some figures that are probably not getting a lot of attention. Not to mention, they kinda remind me of Gobots for some reason. Mostly for the similar overall look as Gobots have articulation (a decent amount all things considered) and generally involved transformations. You know, I could see these coming in a little box with individual numbers for each toy. That'd be great.

Bumblebee is Bumblebee and he looks as he should. Of course this is the EarthSpark version of the character, so there's that. Despite the simplicity of the toy, it has a pretty decent sculpt. The Tomy Takara version does have a better paint deco and that brings out the toys looks a bit better. You know, this toy would look great in translucent plastic. It looks like these figures do have the ability to hold 5mm accessories. While the lack of articulation obviously wouldn't allow for any dynamic poses, a gun or two would add some visual flair. I can see Bumblebee packing some heat. Bee transforms via the 'switchblade' configuration most common in 1 step style toys. I've yet to tire of it personally. Of course being a Flipchanger, you either flip him in the air on just push him over in robot mode and Bumbleee is now a cool sports car! I really like the EarthSpark design for BB, it just looks cool. If these toys aren't your thing, Bumblebee won't be either. If they are... he will be. I should have made all those be's a pun.

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