robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday, destroyer of hope

Unfortunately the holiday weekend is over. Fortunately that means a new week here on Planet Zone! Thank you for coming back after that long break! I certainly enjoyed my mini vacation, but I'm so tired from all the Christmas shopping. Fortunately we got almost all ours done! Now just to finish up at our leisure. That's nice. I did pick up some Botbots from Ross while out, got quite a bit actually. I don't like to spend alot on myself this time of the year. However, something small is ok and little things started this site.

We're kicking off the Christmas season this week with more robots, monsters, and misadventure! I've got some fun stuff planned for you all. Thanksgiving was last week, but I'm still thankful for all of you reading Zone Base. I know there's bigger and flashier sites out there, so seeing you all here is really flattering. Thank you for supporting independent thought and content. Unlike those big and flashier sites,  I'm not here asking for a hand out either. Nope, none of that nonsense. Just some honest fun with our hobbies. All I ask is that you share the site with your friends. Thanks for reading and let's have some fun!

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