robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Friday, July 12, 2024

Starscream [AMK Mini Series]

Starscream is one of those Transformers characters that people just can't get enough of. When he comes to mind I remember my initial impression, which is part of why I like his Yolopak Mini kit so much. I've mentioned before the commercial that's pretty much responsible for my initial interest in Transformers before. The Seekers all had black faces and for whatever reason, that stood out to me. Their toys did as well. However when it came to cartoons and comics, there was gray added. Of course this made the face distinct from the helmet, but I always remembered those solid black faces. This toy, while cartoon accurate, has that black face.

It's a small detail, but appreciated. Here at the 40th anniversary, it means something a little extra to me. Just a little reminder of that commercial I saw 40 years ago that lead to a lifelong fandom.

Of course there's more to this Starscream than just his face as it is a pretty nice AMK kit. Being a Seeker, there's extra parts that are needed. The wings, his null rays,  those shoulder hood vent... things. There's a lot of extra detail they could have phoned in, but didn't. These mini AMK models are simplified compared to the larger premium ones Yolopark also produces. That clearly doesn't mean any skimping is performed. The finished product is very nice and has me reconsidering the idea of making a specific display as opposed to mainly storing my toys and just keeping more recent ones out. Starscream has the same amount of hands as the other AMK Minis. Open hands, closed fists, and pointing fingers combined with the plentiful articulation allow for expressive poses. Yolopark really has a great product.

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