robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Monday, September 30, 2024

Wind-Up the Week

Monday has risen from it's grave cursing us with another work week. Hopefully Zone Base can help chase away those responsibilities with another week of robots, monsters, and misadventure! I hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was a bit of a blur. Thursday there was a hurricane that led to several trees falling in our backyard a little too close for comfort. We ended up staying at a hotel to ride out the storm. Everything was safe when we got back thankfully, but what a random mid-week adventure. I spent the weekend mostly around the house afterwards.

I stayed up all night Saturday assembling a new shoe rack for the Mrs and spent a good bit of time decorating the yard for Halloween Sunday. The inside of the house has been decorated since Labor Day, but we generally let it get closer to the holiday for the yard. A shopping trip lead to Terroar from MOTU and a Core Class Nemesis Prime. Both are figures I'd missed out on prior and happy to get. I also downloaded the Transformers DLC for Minecraft. It's pretty fun, but to be honest, I've been so focused on Astro Bot that playing anything else has taken a back seat for the time being. I'll put some time into it this week though. I really appreciate how similar it is to the G1 cartoon (within reason). It's been a long time since I've played Minecraft, so the controls are taking a little time to get familiar with again. 

We've got another month of the Halloween party to go and I hope everyone is having fun. I'm personally a little disappointed that it's almost over. I love this so much! Thank you all for celebrating Halloween with me! We're going to make this last month one for the record books and really blow the spooky season out! I have a fun week of content coming, please look forward to it. Thank you all for reading. Please share the site with your friends!

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