robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Bludgeon [Legacy Evolution/Voyager Class]

For whatever reason, when Bludgeon was created, it was decided that he should be a skeleton samurai and the world has been a better place because of it. This recent Voyager mold from Transformers Legacy has been used in Evolution and United for various toys of Tarn and Bludgeon. Today we'll be looking at the Evolution standard retail version because I like the signature skull face better and well... *ahem* it's Halloween. I like this toy a whole lot. Not just because of the skeleton samurai thing, but it's a fun robot toy. He's a pleasantly large Voyager figure with lots of articulation (even in his hands!) and cool weapons. Of course Bludgeon has his sword that can be held or plugged into places for storage.

He also has a cool gun as a holdover from his tank alt mode. The dual cannon barrels can either be mounted on his forearm or held individually. They can even be combined into a super long gun (EVO-FUSION!) that looks really hard to use in a practical way. The tank mode also feature 2 smaller guns that apparently can be disconnected and held. From what I understand the connection points are really easy to break, so I would recommend caution when doing so. It's allegedly an 'undocumented feature', which usually means a happy accident. So don't unhappily break your toy by accident trying out something that's probably not intended.

Transformation to tank mode is not super hard, but does take a big of 'just right' maneuvering of parts around. I had a little trouble getting his head to store away in the chest cavity thanks to the shape of it. Not to mention, the side of his upper body folds up around that chest piece in a way that's a bit of a tight fit if not positioned correctly. Then there's the matter of his arms. The tank's treads are composed of them and there's a good bit of folding them around, once again, just right to allow the proper clearance for parts to be put into place. Transformation is a lot like an unorganized house move with people trying to walk up the hall while others are trying to maneuver the couch down it and around doors. It will eventually work out, but you're probably going to curse out somebody in the process.

Once transformed, you've got a pleasantly Mad Max style Cybertronian Tank with lot's of firepower! The sword stores on the side and let me just say... I find it hilarious when a heavily armed robot has a sword. He literally has a million ways to shoot you and also a sword if he misses every shot. Just in case, you know. There is a common complaint that his hands are visible in alt mode and that is true. I do find that if positioned correctly, they'll blend in pretty well thanks to some outer hand armor. Tricky transformation aside, this is a great toy that I liked in both modes. I've always liked Bludgeon admittedly, but the actual toy mold is pretty good. Spooky scary skeletons that transform into tanks.

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