robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Calcitron [Star Raiders Collection Multipack]

It's a happy day because there's a new Armorizer arriving at Zone base! Calcitron is the newest rock bot to join the ranks and he's a cool one. Unlike the other Armorizers, Calicitron has sided up with a group. The Star Raiders- Thundertron's crew of space pirates can boat that they have their own dedicated living rock creature among their ranks. As his name suggests, Calcitron is mostly composed of blue calcite. Blue calcite is a very pretty stone that allegedly adds to your positive aura and will clear negative energies. Hopefully the pirates can benefit from that little bit of spiritual energy as the galaxy can be a scary place. Personally, I like to think the various mysticism surrounding some stones makes for an interesting trait in Armorizers and Rock Lords. I've always really liked when robot cartoons blend in fantasy elements.

Calcitron is a repaint/remold of Magneous like Nucleous was. While not as extensive as a remold as Nucleous, Calcitron is a rather cool remold all the same. The only new part is a head, which ties into the Rock People of Daira from the Headmasters cartoon. Ultimately though, it's still the same base mold as Magneous, so there's nothing functionally new aside from appearances. Fortunately Magneous was a really good toy. There's plenty of articulation and transformation from rock person to rock truck is pretty easy. He has the same axe/crossbow weapon and the roof of the rock truck can be used as a shield or worn on his back. The axe/crossbow can be mounted on top of the truck like a rocket or in front to serve as a battering ram. I feel like Calcitron would like a crossbow. Like most Armorizers, individual parts can be removed and made into armor or weapons for other Transformers figures. The blue colors look great giving Calcitron an almost icy appearance that's really pretty. That's a rock fact!

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