robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Radioheadar BB-64 [BeastBox]

[Radioheadar Legend] The mainstay underground DJ in steel city, Radioheadar’s voice can be heard nightly broadcasting thru a secret criminal channel. Occasionally he would also interview infamous characters such as Acidghost & Lithiumon.

It's been far too long since I've talked about BeastBox here on the site and there's no better time than Halloween to take a look at Radioheadar. Radioheadar is a bat, who transforms into a box like other Beastbox toys. Unlike many other Beastbox toys, he also changes into an aircraft. That's right, we have a triple changer! Right off the bat (pun intended) I will fully admit to not taking the best pictures of this guy. His wingspan was actually bigger than my spooky backdrop! I'll like to his Amazon page for a full idea of his size and a better look at his modes. It's not an affiliate link, so don't worry about buying directly from it if you want one. This is one cool bat mech with incredibly articulated wings. He can be put into flying poses or perched. There's an included clip to allow Radioheadar to hang upside down from a perch as well. I understand there's a special version available that comes with a perch if you don't have one.

It's not just his massive wings that are articulated, his ears, mouth, and little bat legs feature movement. This is a neat toy. All that articulation does mean a more involved transformation, which I did have some trouble with. Honestly, I had a hard time following the instructions. Often I tend to just look at a picture and figure everything out on my own. This was one of those times I needed to take a look at the manual and still had a hard time. I'm not sure if I just wasn't comprehending it or Radioheadar was giving me a hard time. Going into box mode was no problem, it was the aircraft I struggled with. After a while I got him into the mode, though I probably did something wrong. If this was a post in a fan group, I'd put a laughing emoji after that statement.  If a little frustration in transformation is the only complaint I have (and it could have just been me), then you've got a pretty good toy. I've yet to have a bad experience with a Beastbox (I've got quite a few of them) and that's amazing. They're great robot toys that manage to be extremely imaginative and fun. What's not to love about that?

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