robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Road Pig [Star Raiders Collection/Deluxe Class]

Yarr matey! The Star Raiders continue to plunder the galaxy with a look at Road Pig today. Road Pig is an update to the wonderfully cool Transformers Generation 2 Laser Cycle that frankly just doesn't get enough attention. Road Pig is a repaint of Crashbar with a new head. Using Crashbar's parts means Road Pig can also be taken apart and made into armor or weapons for most other  current Transformers toys.

The exhaust pipes can be attached to his forearms to create a mode faithful to the original toy robot mode. I kept them on his back as I love those big honkin guns he's packing. Like Crashbar, one of his bike wheels can separate and become a blades weapon or shield. Road Pig's deco is very faithful to the original toy. The exhaust pipes mentioned above are in a pinkish red hue that simulates the originals light up feature. Neat!

Transformation is easy and can be done without completely dissembling the figure like earlier Weaponizer figures. I did have a little trouble getting the parts to fit into place a little. Not sure if that's from mold usage and repair or big clumsy hands. It's not a deal breaker either way. Once in motorcycle mode, Road Pig is a pretty solid homage to his original toy again. Just needs his windshield. I've very fond of the Transformers logo and G2 symbols on the motorcycle. Transformers from from late G1 and G2 tended to have logos on the vehicle modes. It's silly, sure, but also looks cool. I've always liked the G2 logo and at times have preferred it. I can't see it without instantly being reminded of older fandom times due to it's regular use back then. Road Pig is a great update of a classic toy and another cool member of the Star Raiders Collection. I really enjoy these Walmart exclusive series from the past few years. The random homages blended with fun themes is awesome.

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