robots/monsters/misadventure ハロウィン

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

King Ghidorah [Monster Egg Series Godzilla]

Look gang, it's known that I love some transforming egg toys. It's also been far too long since I've talked about them on this site. The Mrs., understanding my love for kaiju and knowing I'd find them neat, got me the new entire set of Bandai Godzilla Monster Egg Series that was available at Target for Christmas. These four monster eggs were exciting to find inside my stocking and absolutely something I'd talk about here on Zone Base. We're starting at zero, Monster Zero that is, King Ghidorah! Ghidorah looks straight out of the classic era (though could represent his 90's appearances) in his trademark gold colors. Transforming to an egg makes for some visual distinction that wouldn't be in a regular toy. His body is more round, wings are smaller and shell shaped.

It's to be expected with these egg toys, but probably a good idea to explain. Ghidorah's legs, tail, wings, and neck can articulate thanks to the transformation. There's additional swivels in each neck so heads can look in separate directions. Speaking of, each head has a slightly different sculpt. Egg toys tend to be simplistic, so the extra detail is appreciated. Transformation is easy. A chest panel opens up to allow the heads/neck to be folded away, the legs rotate up into position while everything else basically just closes. Egg mode is a simple egg shape that can neatly stand on it's own. The monsters details are visible and make for a strangely ornate egg. It's been way to long since I spent time with transforming eggs and the joy and excitement that comes with these new toys is exfiltrating. The Mrs. really got me something great and Bandai is the best at this sort of thing. Totally eggcellent.

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